Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Beginning

This is the beginning. I've decided to become (gasp!) a blogger. I've done my homework. I've read the articles on the "proper" way to blog, the way to "use" blogs, and how to get your blogs read. The only thing left for me to do is just "do it!"

I'm supposed to have a subject that all the blogs will follow. The problem is that I can't chose just one subject. My life is so full of so many things. So I wonder if it will be ok to do many subjects.

Since this is the beginning, I think it is appropriate for me to do some sort of introduction, don't you? I promise, I'll keep it brief. I live in the Rocky mountains in Colorado. It's the most beautiful place in the world, I think. I have a chronic condition called "Chiari Malformation" which I'm not going into detail about right now. Suffice to say, it keeps me at home. I have lived many lifetimes in my life, which I think allows me to give advice, so I do. I have an advice service on Skype (psychmom7...check it out). I also love to crochet and cross-stitch, and have a web page for that as well.

As you can see, I've got a lot of things I could blog about. So if I understand this right, I can get responses to this. If this is right, let me know what you'd like to know about.

Until next time.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, Psychmom! It's me Glue Gun Granny. Welcome to the blogosphere, kiddo. Hmm. What would I like to hear about? Well, I'm stuck here in the suburban flatlands around Dallas-Fort Worth, TX. So, I guess I would like to hear about the mountains. Sigh. The absence of mosquitoes. And, you are young, so refresh me! Hee Hee. What do you like to read?